Thursday, March 20, 2014

My Greatest Passion

Now, my health hasn't always screwed everything up, it has helped in a few ways, scaring off guys that suck, helping me to find my love in sports medicine, which then lead me to find my best friend!!:) If I hadn't been predisposed to lax ligaments, ligaments that are loose, I wouldn't have dislocated my kneecap, which wouldn't have ended dancing for me when it did. Because I stopped dance, I took sports med on a fluke, just to maintain some sort of an active class. I really didn't know what sports med was gonna be like in the beginning, but I figured if I could be involved with sports, it'd be perfect. I absolutely fell in love.
I should be entirely grateful for my health being so poor, it's hard for me though. I found my calling in life: I hadn't wanted to go into nursing because I was scared of messing up when it came to a life threatening emergency. I've never had much confidence, so I didn't expect myself to be able to perform when it came to being a nurse or a doctor But sports medicine, becoming an athletic trainer or physical therapist, effects a person just as much, if not more, and it doesn't have anything to do with the emergency, life threatening factor!! 
I love my kids, and because I love my kids, I eventually want to open a practice that specializes in pediatric physical therapy. And I think that is my true calling. It might be a rough start, I'm still on the fence about athletic training... I watched softball girls attempt to wrap a cut the other day and almost cried because of their lack of intelligence when it came to taping. I finally found something that I'm good at and I can't do it..
To be honest, the reason I'm not following through with athletic training is solely my health, I don't think that my health can sustain the stress that stems from athletic training for many years, but that's really what my heart wants to do. By pursuing a career in physical therapy, some of the same ideas are practiced, except for the action part of it. I am worried that I won't be happy with physical therapy, but I think in the long run, that's what is best for me to do. I guess we'll see though, right?

Well, for now..

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