Thursday, March 6, 2014

Falling In Love

Now, y'all might have thought this is some crazy love post, sorry babe. But have you ever fallen in love with someone in a nonsexual way? I have..14 times over..

Now, I should probably explain ahead of time. I'm a babysitter/nanny. It's what I do. Kids are my passion, and I cannot imagine life without them. When I moved into my new neighborhood out in Queen Creek, it was a dream come true, I moved onto a street full of kids, all of which with young parents. We all befriended one another, and everything escalated from there.

It all started when I was about 13, this little boy just took my heart. I watched him every weekend for two and a half years until they moved to Louisiana, might I add, I live in Arizona. That was my first heart break, the first boy who broke my heart, I'll refer to him as B. That might sound creepy, and it wasn't his fault, but when you watch a boy grow, help him learn to talk, read, sing, it's honestly the best feeling in the world. The next two summers after they moved, I drove to see them, and since then, she's remarried, and I haven't really spoken to her much. I occasionally see pictures, and it breaks my heart to see him growing up without me, because 6 years ago, I was the one helping him grow.. ***

I now have 13 other kids in my life. Honestly, they will never replace him, but they each hold a special place in my heart. 1 of which is my nephew, a relationship many people have, but this bond is not something that many people actually have. My nephew was recently diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at 3 years of age. Before, we were close, every time we're around, he always chooses me to cuddle with, sits with me when I have homework to do, give me hugs and kisses, and cry when I leave. After his diagnosis, he has come extremely detached from my family, due to not knowing when someone when someone will be forcing him to take his blood sugar levels or take a shot of insulin. This past weekend, he did not leave my side, he looked so scared, so helpless. Every time I watched him get weak, I just prayed that I could take his pain, and somehow, I feel like something in him knew that he knew that I knew what he was going through.. (wow, what a sentence, haha!)

Now, my other kids, they have opened my eyes to love, J saved my life, telling me she loved me on a night that I was gonna give up my life, how is it that a then one year old could make me feel worthy of life? The twins, their enthusiasm to see me everyday before I moved, my God I miss their voices yelling across the stress. H and her attitude, reminding me just what I was like at that age. T and A came into my life late, but their love for me at such a short period of time. A is such a shy girl, and seeing her light up and get so excited to see me everyday. The boy's craziness making everything so exciting!! And T's little fashion and attitude at only 4!! I love my kids so much, I can't even stand it.

Now that leaves out 3 kids still. Z, N, and S are the 3 I nanny, I see them 3 to 4 times a week. Hockey, figure skating, soccer, church, tutoring, you name it! I had a rough start with them and didn't expect to stay, but am ever so glad I did. A year and a half later, and here I am..Z is learning to read, he read his first sentence the other day, I wanted to cry! N is writing a book for class, doing really good at that, wrote his acknowledgements page by himself and put my name on it before his parents!! And S..S was in the womb when I was cute.. now she's 1 and the cutest thing ever. She get's the biggest smile ever when she sees me and always gives me kisses. :)

Z and I cuddling at the rink, waiting for N's practice to end, he was cold

N was writing his acknowledgment page in secret with his feet on my legs:)

N's acknowledgment page:)

To fall in love with kids is an amazing feeling. It's like, opening yourself up to people who might never remember you again, but to them, you taught them everything they know, how to learn, to read, eat, sleep, love, cry, who knows what else!

Kids, I absolutely love you, with my whole heart, absolutely and entirely every piece of me.

For now,

*B, I know you won't remember this, and you may never stumble upon this, but every day I watched you for 3 months we watched the movies Cars, approximately 116 times..a close friend had a blanket made for me with a backing of Cars so that I would feel closer to you on days when I was feeling down. I still miss you every day.

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