Thursday, April 17, 2014

Victims of Sexual Violence

ASU is currently doing a little snippet on victims of sexual violence, and had people make shirts, that majority of which that said "stand up for yourself and tell someone." Most of you are thinking good job ASU. No. Just no. You are probably not a victim if you are thinking this.

When I saw this, I nearly ran to the bathroom and started to cry. You guys don't know know what it's like. You aren't promoting victims to stand up against those committing these crimes, you're just putting more pressure on these victims. Many of the people that commit these crimes are people we know.. do you know how hard it is to get the courage to tell someone about this crime!? Now, with this movement, you're not only making the victim feel as if they're letting themselves down, but also you. 
I'm a victim. I know what it's like. This movement, it didn't make me feel honored, it didn't make me feel proud that someone was finally standing up for made me feel ashamed that I had not told more person I had let down..
I understand you want people to act out, I really do. But understand how hard it is when you're in the situation of hurting somebody's family that you know, or maybe even your own? 

Words of thought.

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