Sunday, April 6, 2014

Family Rant.

There's someone in my family who is currently really bothering me, so here goes nothing.

This person, I'll call them M, is on one of the same medicines as me, a nerve medicine. Nerves are very picky, and as one can assume, if messed with, it can become very dangerous. So because M wants to get disability for God knows what reason because she's more functioning than most people I know, she claims she'll just forget her dosages of this medicine in order to make herself sick.

You don't understand how much this angers me. In my situation, it is not a guarantee if this medicine even works on a daily basis, but because I get some relief on some days, I do not want to get rid of it, and I am on an exceedingly high dosage that taking more to get more results could possibly only give me negative side effects. It upsets me that M is just begging for this pain, when this is something I have to deal with on a regular basis. I wouldn't wish this upon anyone, but I really do hope M feels side effects, not severe ones, of course, when she rids the pills, since she's willing to do so so enthusiastically,  even though I've talked with her about the side effects. Maybe then she'll realize what I've been going through and start taking her medicine seriously or get off of it. 

Wrong of me, I know..

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