Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Poem of Mine

So I found this on my computer, I can't remember the time frame I wrote this in, I don't even remember writing this haha. Kind've nervous posting this. Well, here's some of my writing. Welp.

She stares out the window,
Swallowed whole into her tears
The stars twinkle high above,
and she wonders how they never lose their gleam.

He skips rocks on the river,
Distorting the moon’s reflection
He can’t stand to see how brave it stands
When all other hope seems to have been lost.

Two lost hearts, looking for their shot,
One pictures a family with an unfamiliar face,
One sees a best friend, never to be replaced.

Two lost hearts, brought together because of one cause;
The dreams they once had, now lay shattered on the ground.
Two lost hearts, two lost dreams.

First sight, they attract,
Leaving not a chance for another heartbreak
Now a shoulder to lean on,
And a love so strong;

Two new people, one new gleam.
Together a whole heart, beating as if never broken,
The smile is the finishing touch to that glow upon her face,
As she completes the family portrait in her head, with him filling in the space. 

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