Monday, June 6, 2016

You're My Favorite Color

You're my favorite color at 3 am.
The whites of your eyes and nails glow radiantly, like I know your entire soul does- goodness aches from your bones. Keep that glow baby, keep glowing.
Then there's the hint of red blushing on your cheeks at the slight occurrence of an embarrassment, or a fiery topic. Burn like that fire baby, but don't let that fire burn you.
How about the yellow pigmentation off your skin as if the sun is giving you some of its light- shine bright baby, everybody needs your light.
Then there's these blues radiating off your irises like a calm river, but instantly turning into a grey storm, ready to rumble with some heat. Patience baby, a rumbling storm is rarely a good one.
And then I see the black of your shadow and that reminds me of the depth of the world-the hurt and pain. You're not alone, baby, you're never alone.
You're my favorite color at 3 am- pieced together of colors your body absorbs, surrounding me with the complexity of this beautiful world in just a glance.

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