Thursday, June 2, 2016

Opiates May Make Pain Last Longer

So I read an article that brought tons of interest on my part. Opiates have been a well involved part of my life due to my poor health. Fortunately for me, I have found a way to rid the opiates from my life.
Being on opiates is having control in an uncontrollable situation, or so you think at the time. Opiates become a part of control to your life, rather than helping you get a grip on things. It's needing just one more prescription until you can mentally fight the pain, one more pill. So easily obtainable, yet no real results come out of it. I can honestly say that it just masked my pain for years, and it wasn't until I learned how to accept the pain I was in, that I was able to fight the pain without the pills.
This article is definitely a good read, though precise, and mentions that "opiate-based drugs can cause a heightened sensitivity to pain" in some people. I've said this many times before, when I was consumed in the medicine I felt my inability to handle small amounts of pain was remarkable- anything from hitting my arm on the wall or stubbing my toe. "Opioid Induced Hyperalgesia" is the name of this condition- the increased pain sensitivity after chronic opioid use. Not much research has been produced to completely prove that OIH is prevalent and consistently prevalent enough to begin a route of prevention, but I definitely think this should be continued to be researched! In time, I feel as if the hype of pain killers has decreased due to the effects of the medicine, and being a person that has been stuck in the opioid cycle, I definitely think there are other means to handle pain!
Stop the opioid abuse.


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