Monday, May 30, 2016

I'm back..:)

This has been a crazy few months. But here I am, I'm back!
A little recap. I moved to New Mexico in June 2015, and just found out that it'll be a year in just a few weeks, crazy!! So a year of being out of a really bad relationship.
In the past year, I've gained some amazing relationships, and lost some. I lost a very important person to me, my grandma, and that's been extremely hard to cope with.
I've gotten an amazing job that turned into, actually, a very toxic job. Definitely appreciating being out of that situation.
I branched out and began serving, not much of an accomplishment there, but I love it. I get to meet so many fantastic people, and pay my bills. We'll see how this all goes. I plan on writing way more often now that I'm not working 70 hours a week or more. So keep up with it ;)

For now,

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