Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Latest News

I just thought I should address this, for the sake of talking about it, I suppose. As a result of a year straight of a migraine, I decided to get a brain MRI, and the results, not so good. It's been discovered that I have a sort of a brain hernia, called Cerebellar Tonsillar Ectopia, or Chiari Malformation 0-1. To be honest, I'm terrified of what can happen because of this. Of course I did my research, and my fears have come true. The doctor I was seeing doesn't seem to want to address this problem, so I'm on the search for a specialist. The migraine is still persistent, and I'm still struggling, but at least I know that there is an underlying reason for this problem. 

For now.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Vegas trip.

Vegas oh Vegas. There was quite a bit of drama. I cannot understand how my family works. I am so glad I got to be a part of it all though. 
As promised, pictures! 

My lovely cousin is my life and soul. I taught her to be a camera-whore her early in life:) aha. 

My cousin Gauge is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He is my best friend, my uncle's son.

that's Gauge's kissie face:)

Wedding pictures!!

Yes I'm ridiculously tall!!

Aha! Jokes the whole time!

And just Vegas pictures:) 

My family took every skee-ball machine:) ahah

My aunt, cousin and I at the aquarium:)

Fun stuff:)
Despite the drama, I loved the time I got to spend with the fambam. They're the best.

For now.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Moving On

Coping with a break up is hard, I'm just coming to terms with the fact that mine actually hurt me. Maybe it's the abruptness, or the words said afterwords, or maybe I'll just never know. But what I do know is that it's never easy to think you know somebody and to find out they are the complete opposite of what you thought they were. I also know that I'm not afraid of going out there and trying to find somebody else, somebody who will treat me as I should be treated, somebody who will keep to their word, and somebody who will be understanding when I'm going through the most critical points in my life. 

I'm going to Vegas tomorrow, and that is going to be the absolute time of my life. No regrets, no thoughts on this ridiculous guy and his stupid actions. Just looking out for me from now on. Be on the look-out for pictures. 

Until then.