Sunday, July 20, 2014

Vegas trip.

Vegas oh Vegas. There was quite a bit of drama. I cannot understand how my family works. I am so glad I got to be a part of it all though. 
As promised, pictures! 

My lovely cousin is my life and soul. I taught her to be a camera-whore her early in life:) aha. 

My cousin Gauge is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He is my best friend, my uncle's son.

that's Gauge's kissie face:)

Wedding pictures!!

Yes I'm ridiculously tall!!

Aha! Jokes the whole time!

And just Vegas pictures:) 

My family took every skee-ball machine:) ahah

My aunt, cousin and I at the aquarium:)

Fun stuff:)
Despite the drama, I loved the time I got to spend with the fambam. They're the best.

For now.

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