Wednesday, November 9, 2016

And this is why our political situation scares me...

Both candidates were extremely iffy to me, and I have yet to really voice my opinion on any of the candidates so here we go.

As a woman, I did not vote for Hillary Clinton.

But it is because of this that I did not vote for Donald Trump.

As a woman, I'm terrified of Donald Trump.

There are so many perspectives on this election, and here are some of the ones I think cause the most impact, or at least impact me the most.
Marriage is a beautiful beautiful thing, and it should not have restrictions unless due to age and age of consent. Yep, marriage-not straight marriage, or gay marriage. Marriage is the legal bond between people that is a complete social construct- but hey, let's discuss that a little later.
Guns don't shoot people, like knives don't stab people. I do not believe that our rights to bear arms should be taken away. I do think, though, that intensive background checks are necessary in order to ensure security amongst us. Although I would like to give people the benefit of the doubt, there are kids, elderly, disabled that cannot protect themselves, and that is the reason these measures must be put in place.
EDUCATION EDUCATION EDUCATION. Gosh so much needs done here.I absolutely 10000% agree that Common Core has got to be abolished. It is the most inefficient method of teaching and learning that we can just skip over. We need to do something about the cost of college, the difficulty in getting loans, and repayment of loans.
Healthcare is a big deal as well. I personally Obamacare should either be altered or destroyed. I like the opportunity it gave to people who couldn't ever really get health insurance before, but I guess I really don't understand the efficiency of the fees for not having Obamacare, besides the fact that it funds the program itself. I don't agree with the borders on healthcare (in-state/out-of-state costs) and this is definitely something to look into. Personally, I've experienced that this adds up financially, because I still fall on my parent's insurance and they live in a different state. Premiums rise, and it's just a nasty situation. I do believe that there should be nationwide programs available or statewide, but also the option to choose what fits your situation.
Abortion- if this is a touchy subject, you might want to stop now. I am pro-choice for abortion and the reason being is that I don't agree with bringing a child into this world that's not wanted, and the sad part is that there's only so many people willing to adopt to make these extra kids feel wanted. I disagree with the fact that couples will not be safe and abort because they just don't want a child, but I also agree with a couple not being safe, and aborting because they are drug users and don't want to pass that onto a kid. Of course, I think the option should be available for rape victims and mothers that will not survive if they carry the baby to term. What is uncomfortable to me is funding for late abortions. In most situations, a woman should be aware she is pregnant fairly early, and late abortions shouldn't be needed, but I've not been in the situation to prove otherwise. Regardless, I think this has to be situational.
I am not for or against war. On one hand, I disagree with war and putting people's lives at risk for a disagreement, however big. But on the other hand, I think that it would be ridiculous to not stand up for ourselves, so sometimes war is needed. I don't want to encourage this at all, and I definitely don't encourage bringing back a draft either.
I DON'T BELIEVE IN A WALL BETWEEN MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES, but I do think that we need to tighten down on immigration. I think I consider everything as situational. I am not personally against a certain type of people, and for this I don't understand the fear that people have for one type of person-race, social standing, or even gender and sexuality. Maybe something I'll never understand.
This whole marijuana topic. Let's be real. It's a complete joke. If it has the capability to cure cancer, lessen the symptoms, even help other diseases, ailments, pains, whatever, then why the hell is it illegal? Ah, a plant is way cheaper than the amount of money put into the healthcare system. I am not against modern medicine whatsoever, but I think our outlook on marijuana use is bizarre.

So here it is.

As a woman, I fear Donald Trump.

I think that our biggest downfall in humanity is the ability to hate and the ability to love. These are the most impacting feelings a person can feel and that feeling alone is enough to change anybody. I classify Trump's demeaning, vulgar language, misuse and discrediting the success of women as hatred for this reason alone. In order to compare two of the same objects and be able to see one as better, the lesser one has to have some trait that makes it worse, therefore causing this unintentional hate for it. From the public eye, it appears as if women and men are placed on this comparison spectrum, causing men to overpower women, in his eyes at least. As a human, I do understand what it is like to love and to hate. The thing is, hatred brings out some extreme actions in people, and to have a leader that voices this so proudly is absolutely terrifying. Here's why.
Subliminal messages are something we've been taught about in school. Subliminal messages are messages that slip your conscious mind and slip into the unconscious, yet still have an affect on the way you live based on being recepted by the brain regardless. Although Trump's comments degrading women have been vocally heard, they have been pushed to the side as if they don't have much meaning. Personally, since this campaign started, I've heard 5 or 6 different comments said by Trump. Now fast forward 4 years. We're still hearing those same comments, even at the same frequency, but they've slipped under the radar and even slipped in the ears of our now 16 year old son. Now this 16 year old boy thinks it's okay to degrade women. And then what about the defense mechanism women now have in order to stand up for themselves? It's a revolving circle of aggression that our country does not need. The aggression won't stop here, and that's where the problem is.

Donald Trump is open with his hatred of women.
I fear Donald Trump because I am a woman.

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