Monday, May 30, 2016


So I've set up a few goals for myself.

Travel. Travel more. Travel different.
Try new things. Food. Music. Culture.
Accept being alone. Do things alone. Eat at restaurants alone. Travel alone.
Read more. Books, Poetry. News.
Gym it up. Consistency is key, Stay consistent with working out.
Stay connected to family. Family is all we really have through everything.
Stop overworking myself. Enjoy days off- gosh this is so so hard for me.
Write consistently. Write. Edit. Vent. Journal. Whatever the case may be.


I'm back..:)

This has been a crazy few months. But here I am, I'm back!
A little recap. I moved to New Mexico in June 2015, and just found out that it'll be a year in just a few weeks, crazy!! So a year of being out of a really bad relationship.
In the past year, I've gained some amazing relationships, and lost some. I lost a very important person to me, my grandma, and that's been extremely hard to cope with.
I've gotten an amazing job that turned into, actually, a very toxic job. Definitely appreciating being out of that situation.
I branched out and began serving, not much of an accomplishment there, but I love it. I get to meet so many fantastic people, and pay my bills. We'll see how this all goes. I plan on writing way more often now that I'm not working 70 hours a week or more. So keep up with it ;)

For now,