Monday, July 27, 2015


There are some things that are so easy for some people to accept, and so hard for others. For example, faith and religion.  Throughout my life, I have met my match with faith. Too often I have run to faith in my time of need, desperation. And maybe that's where I'm going wrong. But it seems to be a strange reoccurence each time. I get stranded, let down, left hanging- however you'd like to word it. And that makes it so hard to keep my faith. Maybe I was destined to fail when I searched for faith while in need rather than having it all the time. But many things come through my mind. 
How could I be going through what I'm going through if there is a God?
Will things ever change?
Is this God's plan for me? 

Monday, June 1, 2015


I've been in love, twice at least. I'd like to think it was twice, I guess. My first love was a teenage love, I thought it was gonna be my life. But I was able to move on. My second love was a kind've roller coaster. It was probably more downs then ups, but as stressful as that lead it to be, we stuck through it, and that's all that matters. We found the ups, always. It was the kind of love that had passion burning in each other's eyes. It was the kind of love that made you reread text messages, look through pictures, in order to make sure it was real. With him, I felt whole again, like I could take on the world. Again, I was so sure this was it, this was the last one. "You're the white dress and wedding ring kind of girl I want." Oh God. I hear those words in my head all the time. Oh God. If only you meant it. And that's when you left. Just as easily as walking in, you walked out. And that roller coaster was now nothing but downs. It was a slope. A deep, dark slope that I'm still descending downwards with, months and months later. You know, I'd like to think that our roller coaster is about to rise again, but now I think I need to be brave enough to get off now. You see, without you, I can't see this roller coaster ever rising again, so maybe I just need to find a new one, a new roller coaster for a changed girl.

Thursday, March 19, 2015


Sorry it's been so long, school is crazy.
So last week I went to the doctors, and they decided to take me off 2 of the 3 prevention medicines I'm on to prepare me for Botox injections (not yet scheduled). And boy has it been hell. My immune system crashed, I think due to my addiction to these medicines and no longer having them in my system. I have literally never felt so weak in my life. When you go from being on medicines you didn't know even affected you, they showed no improvement at all, and then all of a sudden, you're off of them and that's literally all you can think about is taking them, you really don't feel like yourself any longer. It's a rough process, but I'll get there. I'd like to say every day gets easier, but that isn't true. Every day I wake up wondering if I can get away with just a pill, one pill. This isn't who I am.
Maybe one day, I can wake up without a craving or without a migraine. This isn't who I am. My illness is beginning to engulf me and that's scary to me. This is changing me. And I can't stand it.

Xx S

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Medically Speaking.

But really, we're not. 
On the inside, you guys have well structured bones, ligaments, tendons, a functioning brain, spinal cord, probably everything where it should be.

Here is what I have been diagnosed with and have had surgically repaired.
Asthma/RSV- leads to other diagnoses  when sick (prone to pneumonia, bronchitis) 
Arthritis in wrists
Chiari Malformation 1
Weak bones

Surgically Repaired:
Kneecap Subluxations- 2 surgeries- problem still present
Bunions- 2 surgeries- solved
Tonsilectomy-Adnoids- solved
Wisdom teeth- solved
Appendix- solved

And here are some things brought on by the Chiari:
Massive migraines every day, bloody noses mostly upon exercise or heart rate increase, numbness in limbs, quivering facial muscles, memory loss, high blood pressure, neck having to pop literally every ten minutes- if not, the pressure buildup is too much, forgetting my words, forgetting how to phrase sentences, depression, anxiety attacks (especially at night), pressure in the back of my head/skull or down my neck, vertigo vs random dizzy spells, nausea, weight loss, paranoia some nights. And migraines migraines migraines migraines. 

So just a little food for thought. Never come out with anything like that! 


Saturday, January 31, 2015

And it begins.

The body tingles. The memory loss. The shaking. The muscle quivers. The muscle weakness. 

It all begins.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

It's been a while..

I haven't posted in a while, life has been, well, crazy. Here's a little update on life!

After my birthday, the week after I think, I went to Disneyland for Christmas. So it was Christmas week...welp:) That was the most amazing and depressing thing that I have have ever experienced in my entire life. The Christmas lights were remarkable, and I fell in love. I'm definitely a fan of Christmas lights if I haven't mentioned befofe:) 
I can't even begin to explain how gorgeous it was. Definitely should be on your bucket list:)

So besides the gorgeousness, I was sick as hell the entire time.. Probably can't tell eh? Every ride made me vomit, I couldn't keep food down, I was losing chunks of skin if I brushed into anything on my bare skin, urinating blood, etc. The second day, I rang the doctor, they assumed it was one of the medicines I'm on for my CM1 (Chiari Malformation 1) and he said don't worry about it. I took myself off a pill, and symptoms almost went  completely away. Badumding. Doctor-0, Sam-1.

So I come back to Phoenix, go into the doctor the second week of school I think, and the doctor applauds my decision (definitinely NOT what I was expecting!) But now he puts me on ANOTHER migraine medicine, well more so blood pressure because it typically helps with migraines, lowers my dosages on the other permanently, and here we are- no change. By March, if no change, then I begin Botox shots to try to relieve some swelling. Fun! 

I'm gonna leave this post at this. Stay tuned and strong.