Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Becoming Attached....

The worst part about becoming attached is there is always something that causes that attachment to break... and it shatters your heart. Tonight, I found out one of my families with two of the kids I watch is moving states. I've known these kids for nearly two years now, and I can't even begin to explain what they mean to me. This is incredibly hard for me to handle, because I have been in this situation before. It doesn't ever work out, I will lose them, and they will forget about me.. E and D, I love you boys. Thank you so much for helping me mature and grow as an individual, for showing me what it's like to actually live life, to love living.. I'm gonna miss you so much.. You don't always like me at times, and you beat me up sometimes when we're together, but we've always had so much fun when we're together. It's been so neat watching you grow. It's gonna be hard having to watch you grow through a computer screen. Thank you for all the experiences. 

I do wish your family the best, although I am being a bit selfish, you guys deserve it.

Love you guys.

Friday, May 16, 2014


I know I just made a post saying that my pain level has improved..but I'm just so sick of my knee hurting.. I reinjured it on my hike with my boyfriend, and the pain I've experienced with it the past few days have been unbearable. What happened was that I was being an idiot, not watching my footing and my foot slid on a rock and my kneecap slid down another rock and in the process, that rock forced my kneecap to dislocate. 
But anywho, this pain is getting out of control: I'd like to be able to bend my knee without wanting to cry. I might actually have to call a doctor this time. I pray thay nothing is seriously damaged. I have too many trips to go on this summer!!

For now,