Thursday, March 19, 2015


Sorry it's been so long, school is crazy.
So last week I went to the doctors, and they decided to take me off 2 of the 3 prevention medicines I'm on to prepare me for Botox injections (not yet scheduled). And boy has it been hell. My immune system crashed, I think due to my addiction to these medicines and no longer having them in my system. I have literally never felt so weak in my life. When you go from being on medicines you didn't know even affected you, they showed no improvement at all, and then all of a sudden, you're off of them and that's literally all you can think about is taking them, you really don't feel like yourself any longer. It's a rough process, but I'll get there. I'd like to say every day gets easier, but that isn't true. Every day I wake up wondering if I can get away with just a pill, one pill. This isn't who I am.
Maybe one day, I can wake up without a craving or without a migraine. This isn't who I am. My illness is beginning to engulf me and that's scary to me. This is changing me. And I can't stand it.

Xx S