Sunday, February 1, 2015

Medically Speaking.

But really, we're not. 
On the inside, you guys have well structured bones, ligaments, tendons, a functioning brain, spinal cord, probably everything where it should be.

Here is what I have been diagnosed with and have had surgically repaired.
Asthma/RSV- leads to other diagnoses  when sick (prone to pneumonia, bronchitis) 
Arthritis in wrists
Chiari Malformation 1
Weak bones

Surgically Repaired:
Kneecap Subluxations- 2 surgeries- problem still present
Bunions- 2 surgeries- solved
Tonsilectomy-Adnoids- solved
Wisdom teeth- solved
Appendix- solved

And here are some things brought on by the Chiari:
Massive migraines every day, bloody noses mostly upon exercise or heart rate increase, numbness in limbs, quivering facial muscles, memory loss, high blood pressure, neck having to pop literally every ten minutes- if not, the pressure buildup is too much, forgetting my words, forgetting how to phrase sentences, depression, anxiety attacks (especially at night), pressure in the back of my head/skull or down my neck, vertigo vs random dizzy spells, nausea, weight loss, paranoia some nights. And migraines migraines migraines migraines. 

So just a little food for thought. Never come out with anything like that! 
